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The Next Big Thing In BB's Contest

Calling all Kitchen and Bath Designers. Whether, you work for a firm, work for a chain, work as an independent, or are a Contractor with the skills to design a kitchen or a bath, this contest is for you. September 20th marks the Opening of BB's Contest. With this, we encourage everyone to at least submit a gallery of your finest finished pieces. Authenticity is a must. Your gallery will be used to highlight your work. Your style and flare will be your selling feature to future clients. This is your Portfolio.



Yes, your work. What? You never get a chance to capture your finished work? Oh, well, yeah that might be a stumbling block. How do you compare your work? Past, future, and present? What do you share with your potential clients? If you do not have one, start. Yes, start. The time you take with a client is important, if not for you then for your client. You are a professional. No matter how big or small, even if you just started, I encourage you to follow up with a photo opportunity for your client.

With that opportunity, use that to accent your work. Your vision in to someone else's dream is how your portfolio should speak to your future clients. Yes you might be just the closest merchant, the only merchant in your area, or you may just be designing for a rental or a garage. All you can do is just ask, "Hey can we get together after the project is complete so I can get a few pictures for my portfolio. Cheesy? Maybe. But it is your work. Your Baby. Each project is your benchmark. How do you strive to get better if you do not know from where?


Build It!

Building a portfolio maybe a topic for a later post, but do not give up. All you need to do is to follow up. Ask some questions. Plan a get together with the client. Let them know that a "Photo Session" of their completed project, maybe used to highlight your work. If you have built a relationship with your client, this will be easy. If you have not, I would start.

If nothing else, you are a salesperson. You are, your greatest asset. You need to be able to sell you. Build your Portfolio. To enter this contest, you will need a portfolio. Even if you are the one who designed your displays, take pictures and submit those. That's your work. Your style. Give us something to accent your work to your future clients. Have fun with this. We look forward to this contest. We look forward to showcasing "You". Take your position in someone's dream seriously and remember, "Dream Responsibly"...

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